Women who are on a tight budget or those
who simply prefer natural medicine to established medical practices may
try homemade pregnancy tests before they actually go out and buy an
over-the-counter home pregnancy test. One of the more popular homemade
tests today involves using toothpaste. The toothpaste test is easy to do
and does not cost a lot of money, other than buying a tube of white
toothpaste. It is vital that the toothpaste’s natural color is white if
women want the most accurate results. The toothpaste pregnancy test
involves placing a moderate amount of toothpaste on a plate or in a cup
and then adding a few drops of the woman’s urine to it. If the woman is
pregnant, the paste should change colors and even froth. If she is not
pregnant, the toothpaste’s appearance will not change at all. The
chemical makeup of the paste interacts with a pregnant woman’s urine to
cause this noted change. Women have been using this homemade option for
years now with relatively favorable results. Because over-the-counter
tests can be expensive, sometimes costing upwards of $10 or more, women
who want to save money and still get a fair result may find this option
to be easier and more affordable. Even so, if the toothpaste does change
color and froths, the woman using this homemade pregnancy test should
still consider more traditional methods of confirming pregnancy. She may
take an over-the-counter test or visit with her doctor for a blood
test. Homemade tests can be tainted or compromised, giving a less than
accurate reading. If, for example, the paste does not change color or
froth, but the woman is still pregnant, she can miss out on getting
vital obstetric care during these vulnerable and crucial early weeks of

How Accurate Is The Toothpaste Pregnancy Test?

 Because it is an alternative option, the toothpaste pregnancy test has
never been formally studied by scientists or doctors. As such, it is
difficult to say how accurate this test really is. It can be compromised
if you use toothpaste that is genuinely not white in color or if you
expose the paste to other chemicals in your home. Even putting the paste
in a dirty cup or plate can compromise the results. With that, if you
plan to use it as an early indicator of whether or not you are pregnant,
you should be prepared to follow up any result with a more tried and
true method, such as using an over-the-counter test or seeing your
doctor. Combining this home option with traditional pregnancy testing
methods can ensure that you and your possible unborn baby are
safeguarded. However, women for decades now argue that this test has
given them an accurate result and let them go on to having their
pregnancies confirmed at the doctor’s office. They argue that the
chemical makeup of the paste is actually not unlike the composition of
the testing strip used in over-the-counter kits. Just as the strips
react to a pregnant woman’s urine, so will the chemicals in the
toothpaste. Women who utilize this testing method first argue that they
ultimately save time and money while also confirming their suspicions
that they are indeed pregnant. Just like over-the-counter tests,
toothpaste quality may factor into the accuracy of this home test. If
you use a poorer quality toothpaste, you could get less than accurate
results. However, if you invest in a pricier, but higher quality
naturally white toothpaste, you may expect to see the color change
better if you are indeed pregnant. Despite the higher quality brands of
toothpaste costing more, they may still be cheaper than a store bought
pregnancy test, which can cost $10 to $20 on average, depending on from
where you buy it and what from you choose. How Does The Toothpaste
Pregnancy Test Work? This test works when a woman who believes that she
may be pregnant combines her urine with the white toothpaste she has
purchased for this testing purpose. She should put a moderate amount on a
clean plate or in a clean cup and then combine her urine with it. If
the paste changes color, most often from white to blue, or if it changes
color and froths at the same time, she may have reason to believe that
she is pregnant. If the paste does not change color or froth, she may
consider that she is not pregnant or at least not far enough along in
her pregnancy to get a fair result. While over-the-counter tests are
difficult to compromise and taint, this homemade option can be easier to
compromise if a person fails to take certain precautions. First, it is
vital that a woman use clean plates or cups so that no contaminants come
into contact with the paste. Second, she should use her first morning
urine rather than using urine later in the day. First morning urine in
pregnant women has higher concentrations of the pregnancy hormone hCG,
which reacts with the chemicals in the paste to cause a color change.
Finally, she must use a paste that is naturally white and one that is
not blue, striped, or artificially colored. The natural white paste has
the correct chemical composition to react with the hCG in the urine to
cause a change in the paste’s color and structure. Paste that is dyed
will not react in the right way to give enough of a reading for a woman
to know if she could be pregnant.